Food Up Front
Who We Are
Food Up Front is a volunteer-run organization working to improve Toronto’s climate resiliency by supporting food growing anywhere urban gardeners have space to plant, including front yards! Since 2020, we have provided over 1000 households throughout the city with free seeds. As we continue to help Torontonians learn to grow their own food from seed, we are also building a network of seed savers to collect a resilient, free, and Toronto-specific seed bank. We'll use this bank of seeds to give to budding new gardeners next year, and to teach our growers to save their own seeds.
Food Up Front provides free seeds to anyone in Toronto learning to grow their own food.
Food Up Front is building a network of seed savers across the city. Learn how to save your own seeds, and contribute surplus to new growers
Food Up Front is happy to present free workshops in a Toronto neighbourhood near you (and online)! Learn from our friendly network of Toronto urban gardeners.
Our Story
Food Up Front began in 2020 as a Transition Toronto Project to help gather our community around growing local food. With typical seed exchanges, like Seedy Saturday, temporarily closed during the pandemic, our team collected surplus seeds from various growers and gardeners around Toronto and offered them free to home gardeners. Once the lockdown was lifted, we delivered hundreds of seed bundles throughout the city with the help of our amazing volunteers.
While some things have changed since the spring of 2020, our commitment to climate resiliency, reducing food mile emissions, and improving Toronto's food sovereignty is stronger than ever!
Thank you to all the incredible volunteers who have dedicated so many hours to making Food Up Front happen!
Project Partners
We would like to extend a very special thank you to all of our project partners for making Food Up Front so successful. If you are interested in partnering with Food Up Front, please contact us.
Help contribute to the costs of seeds and supplies with a donation via Transition Toronto's PayPal.